"Elephants are often chained in the sun or hot train cars for long periods of time.""Elephants are usually fed only dried hay and grains.""Elephants are separated from their families when very young."- Quotes from PETA's "An Elephant's Life" comic book campaign, handed out at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus......Aimed at children.**Elephants have been used by humans for thousands of years as beasts of burden or war machines......Seems to me carrying around midgets at the circus is a pretty simple way of getting fed and cared for. Much easier than ways they've been used in the past.
PETA is just looking for an ax-to-grind. Truth be told, if the circus quit using elephants PETA would start campaigning for the maltreatment of dogs, horses, tigers, etc...........Heck, they may even take up a campaign to protect the poor circus-freak humans contorting themselves into pretzels.
Hey PETA, take a day off, enjoy the freaks and animals at the circus, and have a nice steak for dinner on the way home..........Or don't. But either way, quit trying to propagandize children.**