Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Robert Borosage (Easily Duped Leftist)

"She's (Hillary Clinton) kind of slow to come to the antiwar position, but she's there now. Her position on the war has improved dramatically."

**Hillary is spewing out the antiwar rhetoric she knows she must spew in order to get the Democrat presidential nomination........But I can't believe anyone would trust this is her true position. Trusting Hillary on any issue is a stretch of faith, because like her husband she contorts every issue to please whoever she is talking to on any given day.**


  • At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't like to use comments for communicating, but the emails I've recently sent you keep bouncing. I am using poison_pero@myway, and I've used a few different SMTP servers, but they all bounce.

    I gave you a hat tip on my recent post, but couldn't let you know. :-(

    Do you have a new, or different, email I can use for you?

    Please delete this when done.


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