Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Prager University: Radical Islam - The Most Dangerous Ideology

"We teach what isn't taught." - Dennis Prager

Most Islamic extremism happens on the other side of the world - for Americans.  Unfortunately, we live in a world drastically shrunk by the marvels of modern technology; a reality which brings Islamic extremism within reach of everyone on Earth...Spreading their ideology to every corner of the planet is the exact goal of Islamic extremists - to force Sharia on every human being on Earth.

Luckily, this goal is impossible for the extremists.  Their ideology is incompatible with most civilizations on the planet, their numbers are far to small (Muslims constitute only about 1/6 of the total population, and not all Muslims are extremists - though most are toeing a close line by supporting Sharia), and their technology is far behind much of the globe...But they do have one advantage:  Will power!  Not only do they believe their ideology is superior to everyone else's, but they are willing to do what it takes to further it.

Incredibly, the far more advanced powers in the West have done much to help radical Islam by not acknowledging it is a problem worth exterminating - and yes, I mean that word literally.  At the very least, you'd think the West would do more to keep Islamists from immigrating to their countries...As such, Western il-Liberalism has done much to perpetuate the problem of Islamic extremism, and has not only allowed it to permeate the Middle East, but has allowed it to penetrate the West itself - a reality which won't lead to the conquest of the West by Islamism, but will lead to an incredible amount of pain and suffering for the people of the West at the hands of Islamists.

This semester of Prager University is presented by:  Raymond Ibrahim

"Like fascism and communism, Islamism is totalitarianism in nature...Those aims are antithetical to everything Western and other free societies stand for." - R.I.

"Islamism wants the entire world governed by Sharia, and anyone who opposes Islamist expansionism is the enemy and must be destroyed.  That of course includes the United States, all of Europe, and Israel." - R.I.


Thursday, January 28, 2016


Pero's Quick Scorecard:  Republican Debate VII

Winners: No one on stage did terribly, though I do feel bad for Carson - for the life of me I can't figure why he's continuing...As such, everyone did fine, but no one really stood out.

Losers:  The Fox moderators weren't quite CNBC, but I don't understand why they went out of their way to be so confrontational...Oh, and the Fox debate meal-ticket didn't come to play; a fact which will surely show when the numbers come out about how many watched this one compared to previous Republican debates.

Wild Card:  Trump took a gamble not participating in the debate.  Truth is his presence was there, however.  Each of the participants (candidates and moderators) knew the 'Big Show' wasn't there and the whole think felt forced and incomplete...That said, if recent history is any guide, Trump's stunt will likely see him go up in the polls.  If nothing else, the moderators weren't able to put him in a box, and maybe more important, Trump wasn't there to open his mouth and say something stupid - which at this point is his biggest nemesis.



Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bernie's Gonna Beat 'The Queen'!!


In the last couple weeks, I've had many people ask if I think Bernie Sanders actually has a chance of beating Hillary for the Democrat presidential nomination...I'm very aware of some of the latest poll data, and I'm also aware of what a brutal candidate Hillary is - but there is no way Bernie is going to topple her.

There is only one person who can keep Hillary from the prize, and that person is Barack Obama...Specifically, if Obama was to give the Justice Department the go to indict her for her email/server mess.

Obama is not going to let this happen, and truth be told I hope he doesn't - I'll explain why another day.

Below is an excellent portion of an article by Paul Jacobs, which does a great job of explaining why Hillary cannot lose the Democrat nomination...I've tried to explain the Democrat Super Delegate 'fix', but this article does much better than I can.  I've put the important points in bold.

(D)espite the fact that a majority of Americans don’t trust Hillary, and even 40 percent of Democrats say “honest” isn’t a good word to describe her, Mrs. Clinton will nonetheless win the Democratic Party nomination for president.

And that’s whether a majority of the people who cast ballots in Democratic primaries and caucuses vote for her...or not.

A Done Deal

One might surmise that the Democratic Party would embrace democratic practices and principles, and, therefore, that the candidate garnering the most votes in these exciting caucus and primary contests we hear so much about would win the party’s nomination. One would surmise incorrectly.

Let me explain: Democrats have a lot of “superdelegates.”

These are party leaders, elected officials and former elected officials. In short, muckety-mucks. They’re appointed to be delegates and get to vote representing the party establishment, just like the delegates actually chosen through democratic elections get to vote. Thankfully, there are only 712 superdelegates among a total of 4,764 delegates.

Still, that’s 15 percent of the total vote. And why should there be even one unelected delegate voting to cancel out an elected delegate’s vote?

By the way, did I mention that Hillary Clinton leads Sanders in committed superdelegates by 380 to eleven? She’s winning the insider vote by an incredible 97 to 3 percent over the Bern.

What does this mean? It means that Bernie Sanders could win the actually voting in all the primaries and caucuses by a whopping 58 to 42 percent over Clinton and still lose the presidential nomination to Hillary among delegates as a whole.

That’s not democracy. It’s a fixed insider game...played to near perfection by the consummate insider politician.

Hillary Clinton will not be indicted. The DOJ won’t stop her. Bernie Sanders won’t stop her, either, even with an underwhelmed Democrat base flocking to the democratic socialist.

Will Republicans?


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Prager University: Is Climate Change Our Biggest Problem?

"We teach what isn't taught." - Dennis Prager

Anyone who denies the existence of 'Climate Change' truly is an idiot.  Climate change has been around as long as Earth has had an atmosphere.  It's not debatable; it's just fact...What is debatable is man's effects on Climate Change - for better or worse.

The other thing which isn't debatable is humans have dealt with Climate Change from the time they came into being - however you think they came into being...We have existed through periods of Global Warming, Global Cooling, and everything in between.  Our ancestors figured ways to make it work, no matter how trying and terrible it may have been.  It is only in our time that we have become so mentally weak that we don't believe we can make it through whatever climate changes are thrown our way.

Personally, I have no doubt we are in for many changes in how we deal with our environment.  That said, I also have no doubt we can figure it out.  Our technology is amazing and our ability to adapt and change is equally impressive...The only question I have is have we as humans become so pathetic that we can't make it through the same changes our much less advanced ancestors were able to.  Only time will tell, but I'm betting on the resiliency and genius of our species.

This semester of Prager University is presented by:  Bjorn Lomborg

"Global Warming is a problem that needs to be addressed, but exageration doesn't help, and often distracts us from simple, cheaper, and smarter solutions." - B.L.

"When innovation eventually makes 'green energy' as cheap, or cheaper, everyone will use it...Until then, lets cool the fear mongering and make practical decisions that will help people now." - B.L.


Thursday, January 21, 2016


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"We the People" Have a Sacred Duty

"American politics has been a mud-fest since the get-go." - Douglas Brinkley

The 2016 Election season is in full force, and I know many of you are already sick of it...In fact, many of you are always sick of it, because you can't stand how 'dirty' politics is.

I get it, but you need to get over yourself...The Founders of our great nation built it on the assumption that "We the People" would do our part, with requires being involved, being educated on the governing matters of our time, and voting.  Without "We the People" doing our part, the system will fail - the system has started failing, because far to many Americans have not and will not fulfill their end of the bargain.


If you say you hate politics or don't like our system of choosing our leaders you need to remember what the function of politics in a free society is:  Politics in a free society is about peacefully choosing who will lead us...Duh, right?  Well, most don't understand there is another way for our leaders to come about - and it's not nearly as polite.  The other way is through civil war - or foreign domination.  If you think there is a third way, you are ill informed - or willfully ignorant.

It's important to always remember 'The Clausewitz/Pero Corollary'

"War is the continuation of Politics by other means." - Carl von Clausewitz
"Politics is the continuation of War by other means." - Poison Pero

As I'm sure most Americans do, I prefer to settle our differences (war) through politics...Not settle our politics through war.

With that said, there is a short article I'd like you to read - it will only take 3-minutes or so, and it perfectly describes our REAL democratic system - compared to the one so many wish for - and how it works to provide the leadership for our republic.


"Obama would like Americans to behave as though we are members of the same family. In fact, we do - like Cain and Abel." – Steve Chapman


Thursday, January 14, 2016

This (Past 2) Week(s) in Pictures

Pero's Quick Scorecard:  Republican Debate VI

All seven of the main candidates did well - some did very well.  That said, Carson is a great guy but he's on his way out the door; Jeb should drop but has to play the 'long game' because his big money backers have given him too much money to quit; Kasich can't win but he adds something important as a policy wonk; Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Christie are getting better with each debate and the long knifes came out for the first time tonight.

Ultimately, it will come down to those last four for the nomination, and I'm still not certain who comes out on top...Though, if Trump wins New Hampshire and Iowa it's over.

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