Kathryn Ruemmler (White House Counsel)
- Verrilli is the Solicitor General leading the defense of ObamaCare at the Supreme Court.
Truth is, Verrilli didn't have a very good showing. That said, I kind of feel sorry for him, because no matter how good a lawyer Verrilli is he didn't have a chance.
One, Paul Clement, the lead lawyer against ObamaCare, is and was brilliant in the case...Plus, Clement has been in about a hundred Supreme Court cases, while Verrilli has been in a handful - a huge strategic blunder by the Obama administration.
Two, it's unreasonable for anyone to expect Verrilli (or anyone else) to have been able to defend the indefensible: ObamaCare...The bill is a disgrace to American law, and the fraud perpetrated on the American people in the design and passage of the bill will go down in history as one of the biggest legislative travesties ever.
Who knows how the SCOTUS will rule, but either way ObamaCare needs to be dismantled by the next Congress. It can't be fixed or redone, it has to be salted and burned like ancient Carthage...They can start a new process of trying to better our health care system, but the entire ObamaCare plan has to go. And if Obama manages to win re-election they can't allow him to force another abomination on them; they need to force him to sign a reasonable law or no law at all.