"You are a sex offender, and you did it to a child"........."That doesn't make you a hunter. You do not fit in that category."I want control of you until I know you have integrated change into your life. I truly hope that my bet on you being OK out in society is not misplaced."- Statement after the judge decided to give a pedophile probation instead of prison, because the man was TOO SMALL TO SURVIVE IN PRISON.**This is a repulsive ruling, and the judge should be tossed off the bench.......This is so bad, I wouldn't blame the parents of the molested child if they went nuts and slit this woman's throat (A concern not a suggestion, by the way.) They might dress in Muslim garb and say it was an honor killing.
I guess, the poor child wasn't "too small" for this predator to bang!!!Damn this makes me sick!! Proper justice would have put this
POS in prison, and if he was banged to death by the
Prison Mule so be it........If the Mule got tired of this shorty and
Shanks got him instead, even better.
Maybe the next time he rapes a child he'll get a legitimate sentence. Or maybe not........But either way, it's more than likely there will be another time, and this stupid ass judge will have another child's life ruined on her hands.**