David Hanschen (Illegal Alien March Sign Hander-Outer)
"Vota Democrata en 2006."
**Illegal alien march and Democrat votes.........Hmmmmm. The correlation is obvious, and scary.**
**Illegal alien march and Democrat votes.........Hmmmmm. The correlation is obvious, and scary.**
At 8:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
judge Hanschen should feel lucky that he is a judge, because he obviously disregards the law in family court and wants to have illegal immigrants run our country. I bet he's gay, becasue he sure doesn't like women.
At 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hear he is running for the 5th district court of appeals.hmmm I wonder if all the moms will suffer there too? Again, he disregards the law and should not be on that court or family court.
At 7:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Women and children are collateral damage in Judge Hanschen's court. He violates the law and makes up his own law so that men can prevail. I am a liberal Democrat and he scares me. Heaven help us all if he gets to the appellate.
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
he's not gay - he just hates women. he is a prime of example of why voting straight ticket is dangerous. wackos get on the ballot and give the rest of the dems a bad name - vote smart, vote carefully or don't vote at all
At 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
looks like he lost...
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
The beautiful lives and relationships between a mother and her children are devastatingly and tragically smeared in his courtroom. Vile David Hanschen breeds absurdity, humility, and shame in our government.
At 11:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can tell you as a mother that just went thru a custody case in this man's courtroom, that he is the biggest woman hater & destroys lives. I wish someone could do something about him... More people need to be aware of what he is doing to moms & children. He is a terrible Judge and worse he is a terrible human being....
At 9:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just got out of his court yesterday and I to can say that he hates women. My ex got his child support lowered 60% because he refuses to get a job. Then I presented to the judge in black & white how the dad is not paying the full amount for insurance, he said too bad. What??? This man should not be a judge if he can do what is right.
At 3:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was in this judges court today and watched him take my girlfreinds two year old daughter and give full custody to a father who was never there until my girlfreind filed for child support. He seen her maybe once ever three months before that. On the stand he couldnt even remember her birthday. I mean what kind of father dont know his kids birthday. He should not be judge at all. He is destroying familys for no reason more then to see women get hurt. Please dont vote for this guy when he runs for Appelate Judge. He will destroy mothers lifes there also.
At 10:36 PM,
jnwplace said…
My son and his girlfriend lost her little girl today because of Judge Hanschen. She has been with her mother since the day she was born almost 3 yrs ago.The father didn't want much to do with her until the mother filed for child support. She was taken from her 5 yr old brother that she was raised with. There was no reason that she should of been given to the dad except for this judge having it in for women. These kids had a great life there was no negect or abuse. There was no reason for this to happen. What judge in his right mind takes a little girl away from her mother and brother for no reason other then spite. Something needs to be done about this Judge Hanschen. He is only in the court system for mens rights and does not care about what he is doing to the children. He did not even consider what damage it would do to her or her brother being separated from each other. He is just out to destroy families. Now I know why he has a pony tail because he is a JACKASS
At 8:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Judge David Haschen needs to be reprimanded for his actions. I can not believe what he has done to my niece and her children. Does he think he is God well if he does I can assure him he isn't, and he will pay for what he has done to all these mothers and families. Please all mothers and all people do not vote for this man, he will destroy you. Lets pray that God will intervene and show him the right way to do his job by obeying the law.
At 2:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am a mother that went in front of this judge.I can't believe what he did to my daughter and I.what is so sad he didn't listen to anything I had to say but he sure did have his mind up to give full custody to the dad.we caught the father lieing also he didn't even know my daughters birthday. My son and I haven't seen my babygirl in Two weeks and It is killing me inside.I miss her so much and this judge doesn't give a dame if he hurts mothers and kids relationships.please I am begging everyone not to vote for this judge
At 10:20 PM,
Unknown said…
To all who have suffered in this mans court, please email me with your stories.
He has crossed the wong woman, so please email me your comments at
At 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
David Hanschen is not even remotely as bad as you all make him out to be. If you take a step back from your situation, and look at the cases from his, experienced, professional, point of view, you will see he makes the correct rulings for the benefit of the children - not the mom, who very well might love their kid, but for the kid, who might not be provided for by the mother, or father for that matter. David is a good man, who treats women well and with respect. You people clearly have a bias grudge, and do not know the man at all.
At 9:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
You obviousley have never had a legal family issue that he has had to handle. I agree with all the horror stories I have had my case in his court room for 4 years now and my case has cost me thousands of dollars in attorney's fee's and wasted time. I AM VERY HAPPY TO SEE HIM GO!!!
At 1:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm glad to see him go he is not a fair judge, he does hate women and tries to screwed them every chance he gets, I seen what he has done to my daughter in law. HE NEEDS TO GO!!He does not care what is best for the children.He has a grudge with women and it shows by his rulings. Glad to see him go then maybe the moms will have a chance to get their kids back before he ruins anymore lifes
At 7:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Judge Hanschen needs to be osted because he is the worst judge I have ever seen. A mommy-hater, bias towards men regardless of their situation. I have been in his court with and without an attorney and he signed an order without even reading it and after $5000 to reverse this decision. He definitely DOES NOT have the children's best interest at heart because he sides with the men regardless of their character! We need to band together and vote this guy out of the court system.
At 9:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
You ladies are funny. You just made my day crying about how unfair it is in a Texas court room.
Boohoo. I work my fingers to the bone because I want more out of life than what a 40 hour a week job can give me so I think I should be able to keep all of my overtime pay. I pay enough every month to support my child plus insurance. Now because I have been working all this overtime my ex-wife thinks she should get more. Base it on a 40 hour work week and I bet you see less "deadbeat Dads".
Oh yeah I love how we're labled deadbeat dads if we do pay child support but don't have time to spend with our chilren because we are working all the time.
Sick And Tired
At 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I lnow this is a very old post but wanted to still post. This judge awarded me my son age 14 at the time. I was a stay at home mom and my son had asked to live with me. Then somehow behind closed doors this judge awarded my ex my son and to this day I dont know why. My ex assaulted me to the point of continueing doctor visits and he abuses our now 17 year old son, who was pulled out of school and allowed to do whatever he wants. He has an 8th grade education. I am homeless and my ex has a career and took the home and the child leaving me with our oldest sons college debt, a bath tub to pay on that he enjoys in the home and I have health issues. My ex is never home during my visitation, so my sons and my relationship is ruined. I only hear from him when his dad fights with him. This judge allowed this to happen. Simething very wrong in the Dallas Family Courts to destroy families like this.
At 3:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
I find the story quite amusing and has often wonder how women would ask if things didn’t go their way. This sums it all up; unanimously you point out or have total disregard for a Judge that see how unbalanced our system has become. Nowhere in these messages did I read the cry of our children. For decades; women have used the Judicial System to punish both men and children. Our children needs to come first and eliminate this Family Court gender discrimination imposed to alienate and abuse them from the non-custodial parent (mainly men). I am 50-years of age and it was my father and not my mother that raise me. I constantly here; men are taking care of their children. The continuous cry, “fathers not wanting to be a part or raising their children” is nothing but propaganda. Propaganda used to promote both civil rights violations and equal rights under the law in the right to ones child. Children in America are in trouble from being killed by mothers, their boyfriends, other children and the Judicial System. No one in America especially women should be proud of the problems our children faces today. Eventually, men will make a stand and put an end to it all; in order to save our children. Get off you high horses, Women have not done the job; “Little Girls are trying to be Little Boys” and “Little Boys are trying to be Little Girls.” This is what happens when you remove that male figure from the life of a child. American spend more time trying to make themselves look good to the World but if the World only knew how we look behind closed doors. People around the World looked up and toward America as a country to believe in and a place to go and get way from oppression. We live in an oppressed nation; we do it to ourselves and repeat it to our children. Support what is right for the children only and not for gender discrimination. This action needs to be put in place immediately in order to save our children from total destruction.
At 6:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
please I am begging you, if you vote a straight democratic ticket please remove Judge David Hanschen off your ballot. Last year he was not re-elected to his family district court which was the right thing to do. Dallas Morning News have all the information on the way he handles his cases negatively. This year he is on the ballot, he does not comply with the law, and he is wildly out of step with his family court orders. There are right ways to effect change he chooses the wrong way. So, I am begging you for all the families in Dallas County that might be affected by hiim remove him from your ballot. Thanks a million.
At 5:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
PLEASE CONTACT ME AT bee_cee77@yahoo.com in reference to David Hanschen...Please!!
At 10:53 AM,
Unknown said…
I had this judge for my divorce case. My ex husband didn't pay child support for 3 years and he didn't even have him pay back pay to me. Also he ignored the fact that my ex husband was a muslim con artist who married me for a green card and after he got the green card he threw our 1 yr old son and I out on the streets. I got screwed because of this judge. He yawned and slept during my trial. My ex is now a Doctor in Dallas and is was already married to someone in Jordan when he married me. (little did I know.) I am glad Judge Hanschen is gone!!!!
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