Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Marla Zubel (UC Santa Cruz Students Against War)

"We're saying it's not OK to recruit on high school campuses, it's not OK to recruit on university campuses. In order to stop the war, you have to make it more difficult to wage war."

- At a protest which blocked the doors to military recruiters at a job fair.

**Can you imagine if this happened at the university GLBTTBNP Club? Campus police would have been called in to arrest any non-Normo on site........If the campus police won't protect them, they should be guarded by local National Guardsmen.

The courts must step in and demand universities treat recruitment offices as it would any other organization. If colleges refuse to do so they should be fined, and have their federal funding stripped from them.**


  • At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This moron is so stupid that he doesn't realize that it is actions like his that make wars MORE likely to be necessary, not LESS likely. It is shameful when people not only abuse their freedoms, but then condemn those committed to guaranteeing, with their own lives, that freedom!!!

  • At 12:23 PM, Anonymous www.muebles-en-alcobendas.com said…

    It can't actually work, I believe so.


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