Michael Fogel (Chicago School of Professional Psychology)
- Commenting on a 24-year old scumbag (Anthony Merino) who raped a 92-year old woman's dead corpse.
**That's some sick shit. And I'm not talking about Anthony's mental state.........92 or dead is bad; combined they are completely repulsive.
That said, Anthony will surely be defended for banging this poor dead corpse by the dynamic duo of a Red-Diaper-Doper-Baby lawyer and a degenerate-defending head-shrink.......Maybe if he's lucky he'll have Dr. Fogel on his side, explaining how he can't help himself and doesn't bang dead people by choice. I'M SURE HE WAS BORN THAT WAY!!!
Make no mistake, in time the less reported portion of the GLBTTBNPR'ers (Try-Sexual, Bestial, NECROPHILIACS, Pedophiles, Robo-Homos) will eventually be pushed on the public as Normals just as the first part of the acronym is.........And those of you who think they are sick will be looked down on as unreasonable Normophobes!!!**