Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Samantha Power (Twitter Twit)

"Yet again Iran unopposed & was 'elected' to Commission on Status of Women.  Given record on women's & human rights, this is an outrage."

- Comment she made on Twitter about Iran being placed on the 'U.N. Commission on the Status of Women.'

"An outrage" indeed!  The entire U.N. is a disgrace and proves it day after day with its ridiculous actions...This women's rights issue is just one of many.

But who the hell is U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power to crack back on anyone for Iran being "unopposed" and "elected" to this seat?

If she had done her job Iran wouldn't have gotten on.

"Ambassador Power can tweet her outrage after the fact all she wants...She should have been in the room for the vote and demanded a secret ballot rather than allow an automatic acclamation by her silence." - Richard Grenell (held Power's post under W.)

So, all she had to do was SHOW UP!  Instead she pretended to be her boss (Barry O.), and voted "present" by not being present.  And then she acted like a big-shot, claiming to be upset by Iran getting on the commission.  It's disgusting, and it's ironic.

It's ironic, because Obama and his Lefty pals are constantly railing against the Right for 'waging a war on women,' yet it is the Democrats and the Left who do nothing but give lip-service to caring about women.

I'm sure this makes me a misogynist, though.
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