Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Covered California

"Welcome to America's hottest talk line.  Ladies, to talk to interesting and exciting guys free, press one now.  Guys, hot ladies are waiting to talk to you.  Press two to connect free now."

- Covered California is Cali's version of ObamaCare.

Ok, I admit Covered California didn't say this quote - a quote which really isn't a Libby Quote (which is why it's in purple, instead of the normal Commie-Red)...So what's the dealio Pero?

Covered California's website had an information phone number which incorrectly sent its 'captive customers' to a sex-chat line...WooHoo!  Sounds about right from the 'Land of Fruits and Nuts.'

Speaking of which, how rude of the sex line to only offer services from "interesting and exciting guys" and "hot ladies."  What about the GLBT'ers?  What about the goat-bangers?  What about the ___________ (fill in the blank)?

I'm just saying.
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