Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Butchy McDyke (Lapper Mouth-Flapper)

"How many of you want a lot more lady in your life?...How many of you want to be lady with a lot more lady in your life?  How many of you are here tonight because you want to learn how to be a lesbian?  How many of you are here because your daughter wants to learn to be a lesbian?  How many of you are here because your wife wants to learn to be a lesbian?"

- Part of a University of South Carolina symposium called "How to Be a Lesbian in 10 Days or Less."

So many things hit me with this quote.

1.  I can't imagine many want to learn about how their "daughter" and/or "wife" can go gay...I'm not a Libby, though, so I could be missing something about what Libby's want to learn.

2.  I can't believe this garbage is part of a state university lecture series...But again, I'm not a Libby.

3.  My favorite part is the chick's name:  Butchy McDyke...I'm sure she fits the name perfectly, but think she should have added 'Todger Dodger' as a middle name.

4.  I thought being gay isn't a 'choice.'  This is what we've all been told for years - 'it's like being born black'...By definition, "learn(ing) to be a lesbian" implies a choice; the choice to learn it and be it - or not.

I just don't get it all...But again, I'm not a Libby.
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