Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Joe Biden (Obama's Bag-Man)

"No nation has the right to simply grab land from another nation...We will never recognize Russia's illegal occupation of Crimea."

Obama was too busy, so he sent his lackey to do some tough talking...Poor Ukraine.  They had to know Crimea, and maybe much more, is lost forever when they heard Joey Bags was coming to town.

Vomiting would be the appropriate response.

If anyone is aware that "grab(bing) land from another nation" is the way of the world - the real world - it would be the people living between the German and Russian beasts; a reality the Ukrainians know all too well...They also know Russia - not just Vladdie, but Russia - isn't going to be cowed by tough Western threats.

Speaking of the West, it's important to note we haven't heard much from the East on this Russian matter...Could it be because the East understands reality, and isn't all that concerned with Russian misdeeds?  Yes it could, because the real deal in the East is those countries are either sitting in Ukraine's (Philippines, Japan, etc.) or Russia's (China, Iran, etc.) shoes - REALITY!  Reality for everyone living outside the Utopian insane asylum known as the Western World.



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