Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

2011 Liberal Jackass Quotes of the Year - #15

Goshen College

"The Board, in consultation with [school] President Brenneman, asked the President to find an alternative to playing the National Anthem that fits with sports tradition, that honors country and that resonates with Goshen College's core values and respects the views of diverse constituencies."

I hope you caught the operative phrase in this quote:  "Goshen College's core values"...The U.S. National Anthem doesn't jive with the school's "core values".

Goshen is a Mennonite college:  "We're passionate about making peace. If you believe in care of the earth and care of one another, if you put your faith and God before anything else, this is the college for you. We're for people who want to serve the world with joy in the name of peace."

Nothing about learning, just a bunch of gobbledygook.  Gobbledygook wrapped in the guise of God, to boot...In other words, Goshen is just like most U.S. colleges; right down to hating America, it's history and proud traditions.

Oh, and it also costs about $35,000 per year to attend this 'institute of anti-American propaganda'...$35k/year to have your children brainwashed by loony Liberals.  Egads!



  • At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I attended a liberal arts, not a
    liberal jackass university when I
    was about 45 years younger than I
    now am. It was considered a
    Christian school and it recognized
    the fact that freedom is never free.

    This was back during the Vietnam War
    and if you didn't make the grade,
    you became cannon fodder. Grades
    were not given out to keep young
    men from going to war.

    The only actual young men that
    received 4-D deferments were actual
    Divinity students and while that
    calling was a High One indeed, not
    every young man that was enrolled
    was considered a divinity student.

    My home town had two so called
    Christian Colleges which gave
    out divinity deferments to all young
    male students that were enrolled.
    That included all the 'outlaws' from
    all over the country that didn't
    want to fight in Viet Nam. They
    were only interested in money, not
    real freedom.

  • At 11:15 AM, Blogger Poison Pero said…

    It's disgusting so many Christian colleges have become non-Christian, Liberal ideological institutes.

    It's a shame, and it's one of the many reasons so many Americans are turning away from the classic Christian religions and leaning towards new evangelical strains.

  • At 8:26 AM, Blogger AC said…

    this blog is hilarious! i only had to read the first 3 posts to start giggling wildly.

    thinkin's hard aint it, cletus?


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