Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Christopher 'Nerf Brain' Cerf

"My first reaction was this just can't possibly be true...Of course I didn't like the idea that I was helping break down prisoners, but it was much worse when I heard that they were actually using the music in Guantanamo to actually do deep, long-term interrogations and obviously to inflict enough pain on prisoners so they would talk."

Cerf is the composer of the 'Seseme Street' theme song...His last name mirrors what his brain is made out of:  Nerf.

There are plenty of Jihadis with bad intentions for America, but clowns like Nerf-brain Cerf don't want these terrorists tortured in order to save American lives.  No beating, no water boarding, and no Sesame Street songs...That said, I agree listening to Sesame Street over and over is torture.

Of course it is torture...And of course these terrorists should be tortured.  They should be tortured and killed; all of them.

No one knows where the next terror attack will happen, but it will happen and we can't count on all the terrorists to be inept (IE:  'panty bomber').  Can you imagine if we had a terrorist locked up at Gitmo and he knew an attack was coming to your hometown?  I can, and I don't care what we do to the Jihadis to extract information from them...Heaven knows they don't have any concerns about hurting us.

Oh, and last I checked it took information from water boarding to find Osama bin Laden...Thankfully we used water boarding, and if Sesame Street works - or Barney or whatever - then by all means do it.


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