Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lester Grinspoon (Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School)

"I'd have no hesitation giving a youngster with ADHD a trial of oral marijuana...For some kids, it appears to be more effective than traditional treatments. And marijuana certainly has fewer potential dangers than Ritalin."

- Commenting on a report that medical marijuana is being prescribed for kids in California.

**Pot may or may not have "fewer potential dangers than Ritalin," but it's hard to believe anyone would defend the use of marijuana in kids...If anything, it should make parents a little leery about using Ritalin and other psych meds on their kids.

"Let me count the ways in which prescribing marijuana for teens with ADHD is a bad idea...The active ingredient in pot, THC, causes short-term memory problems and inattention, the very same things you want a medicine for ADHD to help alleviate." - Stephen Hinshaw (Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley)**


  • At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You need to educate yourself about marijuana. Big Pharma is killing our children and it is because of myopic, uneducated people such as yourself. Seriously, do us all a favor and educate yourself about marijuana so you do not continue to spread marijuana myths. No disrespect intended.

  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You really should try to learn a little more about cannabis before posting a (very uninformed) opinion about it.

    Cannabis (marijuana) is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. It is non-toxic, and there has never been a single substantiated death due to cannabis overdose.

    I would not hesitate to authorize its usage on any of my children if they were ADHD and I felt it would help them.

  • At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    as one with ADD I can assure you that cannabis is effective for me. I have taken many professional exams under the influence of cannabis to relieve the stress and lack of attention, test boredom. I also had a stent in my Professional Studies where I abstained from cannabis it was a disaster. I cannot imagine sitting threw 22 years of education without it. It makes me a better Professor. I am gifted and ADD but with cannabis I lecture from memory as I see others reading their notes which I could read 10 times faster. I am able to read students and engage them in Socratic debate. Also it has worked well in professional examinations which I have passed the first time and every time. In the words of a public high school teacher I don't care how many pills you take or how much reefer you smoke as long as you come into this class and pay attention OR other teachers: get the hell out of my class. I always thought class attendance was beneficial. Let's get mediated and have perfect and engaging attendance. It worked for me.


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