Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Commisar Hilrya Rodhamovich Clintonov (Secretary of State)

"We (the United States) tax everything that moves and doesn’t move."

**This lady is a realy beauty...Since she's ugly as hell I'm assuming you know what I mean.

It's bad enough she's commenting about how the U.S. government steals money from the American people in every imaginable way (or is planning to), but the entirety of this comment is actually worse.

This is part of a statement she was making to the Pakistanis, lecturing them for not being able to account for a large portion of their population; particularly those who are hiding Al Qaeda operatives...She was not only telling them they need to do a better job of taxing their population, but more importantly, they need to use the tax system as a way of tracking and monitoring their people; LIKE THEY DO IN THE U.S.!**



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