Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Barack Obama (Whiner)

"[The McCain campaign moved to ] seize an innocent remark ['lipstick on a pig'] and take it out of context because they knew it was catnip for the news media....See, it would be funny, but the news media decided that would be the lead story yesterday...Enough!!"

**Poor Barack. The news media is picking on him. Boo, hoo, hoo....Imagine how much he'd cry if the media was treating him as poorly as they have Sarah Palin. We might see a complete mental breakdown if this was happening to Obama.

Tom Hanks put it best in 'A League of Their Own': "THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL/POLITICS!"

"Barack Obama can't campaign with schoolyard insults and then try to claim outrage at the tone of the campaign. His talk of new politics is as empty as his campaign trail promises." - Brian Rogers (McCain spokesman)**



  • At 4:13 PM, Blogger still Unreal... said…

    He's actually right.
    The media should be making a bigger deal about this douchebag negotiating with Iraq to keep the troops there longer so he looks good.

  • At 8:44 PM, Blogger Poison Pero said…

    No chance that ever gets out in the MSM.....Truth kills.


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