Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Paul Kawika Martin (Political Director for Peace Action)

"We're going to spank him (Obama) for sending more troops (to Afghanistan)."

**I suppose they are going to take away his Nobel Peace Prize, too?

That said, screw these idiotic peace mongers. Obama may be clueless how to fight the Islamists, but he knows we have to fight them. Receiving the daily intelligence reports would cause anyone to realize Muslim extremists are at war with the West (the U.S. in particular), even though the West refuses to fully go to war against the extremists...Obama knows they must be fought, but his 'inner-peacenik' is still dominating his thought process. Here's praying over time (the sooner the better) our C-in-C figures out the only way to defeat them is to crush them and those who harbor them.**


  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger Brendan Smith said…

    How about MSNBC's Chris Matthews who called West Point an "Enemy Camp" last night.

    That's a Jackass.

  • At 9:12 PM, Blogger Poison Pero said…

    Already in the que for Friday, Brendan...A Jackass Quote of the Year Nominee for sure.


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