Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Bill Clinton (Perpetual Liar)

"You could have knocked me over with a straw, especially when I heard the L.A. people had been allegedly looking for him for 15 years when he was in plain view."

- Commenting on revelations that Norman Yuan Yuen Hsu, a top fundraiser for his wife, is a fujative from justice.

**Sure you're shocked Billy.......Shocked Hsu was caught.

I suppose he's also shocked to find out Mr. Hsu might be involved with un-American deals:

"A shady Chinese megadonor to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has close ties to an aerospace mogul accused of placing his business interests before national security by sharing missile secrets with Beijing during the Clinton administration." - http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57450

The big question Americans should have isn't why Bill is shocked, but why China seems to have an affinity for the Clintons? Hmmm???**



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