Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Councilman Charles Barron (New York City)

"I would love for him (Robert Mugabe) to come to Albany (N.Y. capital).  I would love for him to come anywhere in the United States, really...I think he's a shining example of an African leader on the African continent...I see him as a freedom fighter."

For those who don't know who Mugabe is, he's been Zimbabwe's dictator since 1983.  A real charm of a guy; who has starved and impoverished the majority of his country (the average Zimbabwean earns $900/year), while enriching himself (worth millions and possibly billions)...But he's a socialist who has stuck it Zimbabwe's whites since the Brits left - which I am certain is why Barron is so enamored with Mugabe.

Anyone care to guess which political party Barron belongs to?  Here's a hint:

"All my heroes were America's enemies." - Charles Barron

Ok, that was too much of a hint...Of course he's a Democrat.

What's really pathetic is Barron is a councilman in what is 'supposedly' one of the greatest cities in the world.  Even better he's soon to become a New York state assemblyman...He will be replacing his wife in the state assembly - and she'll be replacing him in the city council.

Greatest city in the world my ass!  If anything, this kind of political idiocy, by political idiots representing complete idiots, is proof that NYC is about as big a joke as the country Barron's hero rules.


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