Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Melissa Harris-Perry (MSNBC Racist)

"Last Sunday, we invited a panel of comedians for a year in review program.  It's what we call our look back in laughter...Among the images we aired was one of the Romney family that showed Governor Mitt Romney's grandchildren, including his adopted grandson, who is African-American." (Said with a choked up, emotional, almost teary tone - which looked pretty contrived.)

Ha,ha,ha,ha!  That's some funny stuff!  That stuffy, rich, white-guy with his adopted black grandchild.  Woo, hoo, hoo!!


"...showing the photo in that context, that segment, was poor judgment.  So without reservation or qualification, I apologize to the Romney family." (Again with what looked like feigned emotion, almost tears.)

I guess you are forgiven, Melissa.  As are the rest of your racist, funny-making friends...All of whom had more than enough time and prep to know this was a racist take on the Romneys.  All of whom meant what they said, but had to come out with a fake apology after being publicly scolded.

"If I Cry, Will I Be Forgiven All of My Transgressions?" - Alec Baldwin (via Twitter)

Well, lets see, Alec.  There are four criteria for forgiveness:
1.  Are you a Liberal?  Yes...So that meets one criteria.
2.  Are you a Female?  No...So that fails one criteria.
3.  Are you a minority?  No...So that fails another criteria.
4.  Are you gay?  No...So that fails another.

Sorry, Alec.  You will not be forgiven...But Melissa 'The Race-Baiting' idiot will be, because she is 3-for-3 (since this isn't a gay issue, #4 is thrown out, though for all I know she qualifies):  A Liberal, Female, Minority, which makes her almost bullet-proof when it comes to stupidity...Lucky for her funny pals, Melissa's cape of protection will extend to them as well.

Welcome to 2014, America...A year with more of the same Liberal hypocrisy!



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