Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Anthony Weiner - AKA: Carlos Danger

“Sending these embarrassing messages to women online, whom I never met, was a personal failing that was hurtful to my wife and a part of my life that Huma and I have put behind us.”

I last quoted Weiner back in December 2011, and sincerely thought it would be the last I'd hear of his sorry arse...I should have known better!  Weiner is a Democrat, and like other 'rats', Democ'rats' don't just go away.

So, Weiner is running for Mayor of New York City - the most powerful city in the United States, maybe the world...When I heard he was running I figured he must have cleaned up his life and maybe even deserved a second chance (not really, but play along).  We are all human and make mistakes, and Weiner must have gotten his stuff together.

No, no, no!  Just like back in 2011 Anthony has been caught again with his Weiner in the cookie jar - posting pics of himself online...Under the name of 'Carlos Danger', at a site called thedirty.com.

Carlos Danger trolling and posting pics at thedirty.com...Nice job Weiner.

As shocked as I am to hear Weiner is back in the news caught with his 'Dangerous Carlos' in the cookie jar, I'm not shocked to hear he thinks Democ'rats' will continue supporting him.

“People who know me are still going to vote for me.”

I have no doubt they will, because he and they are Democ'rats'.



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