Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Barack Obama (Mongrel-in-Chief)

"We are sort of a mongrel people. I mean we're all kinds of mixed up."

- Comment made on his visit to "The View" about black Americans.

**What in the world made Obama think this was a good thing to throw out on national TV? Was he channelling his inner-Nazi, spewing bizarre race theory, or was he doing an ode to Robert 'KKK' Byrd (Democrat)? [God rest his soul...I guess.]

I thought it was awful of Byrd to reference black Americans as
"race mongrels", but maybe I'm just overly sensitive...I never would have thought it to be polite, but if our 'most brilliant and well spoken president ever' and Sen. Robert 'Grand Cyclops' Byrd think "mongrel" is a proper term for black Americans maybe we should all use it.

The Obama handlers might want to keep the president away from silly TV shows, because he tends to say some stupid things when the teleprompter (TOTUS) isn't around to keep him from having to think. For those who've forgotten his trip to the "Jay Leno Show": "[My bowling skills are] like the Special Olympics or something."

Real genius this guy is...Bush may not have spoken well, but he surely didn't say stuff as ridiculous as our current Prez.**



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