Paul Watson (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society President)
"We need to radically and intelligently reduce human population to fewer than one billion."
**At this time there are over 6.5 billion people on Earth, and the world's population is steadily going up..........So, in order to fulfill this lunatic's desires at least 5.5 billion human-beings need to be killed!!
For those of you who are mathmatically challenged, that's a lot of people; 85% of humanity.
Oh, it needs to be done "intelligently" as well.**
**At this time there are over 6.5 billion people on Earth, and the world's population is steadily going up..........So, in order to fulfill this lunatic's desires at least 5.5 billion human-beings need to be killed!!
For those of you who are mathmatically challenged, that's a lot of people; 85% of humanity.
Oh, it needs to be done "intelligently" as well.**
At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I propose this guy lead the way. I mean, shouldn't he be leading by example?
At 7:40 PM,
Poison Pero said…
I'm sure he's planning on being in the 1 billion group, not the 5.5 billion group.
At 7:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is taken out of context of what the meat of the argument was. Addressing overpopulation is just one extremely difficult, sensitive enviornmental challenges that we will face in the next century...
We should, in my opinion reduce the birth rate in order to live winthin the laws of ecology. Believe it or not the Earth doesn't have unlimited resources...
-simon from melbourne, Australia
At 9:37 PM,
Poison Pero said…
Sell it how you will, Simon.......This loon claimed the world should have 1 billion people.
There's only one way to get there, and that's to kill off a hell of a lot of people.
And if we really want to address the population problem, then lets stop vaccinating the world and medicating the world.......And lets quit sending the world our $$$$ and food.
This is one way to do it.......Of course this takes us down the road to killing off people, but it is one way to lessen the "burden."
At 10:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm confused, nowhere in Watson's quote is he proposing killing people. Whereas poison pero is proposing to kill people by halting international aid? Naturally birth control is the intended solution. Even more baffling is the vast amount of $$$$$ sent overseas is to keep troops killing people efficiently, not for aid. At least Watson's out there actively doing something about the environment and is leading by example.
At 3:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
He says that we need to stop flying in planes and the colossal prick that Paul Watson is flies a private plane himself. He says that we need to go back to clippers to cross the oceans and his ship runs on good old oil. He is just another "do as I say not as I do" fascist whose perverted moral compass can rationalize the wholesale elimination of 5/6ths of the human species. Take a bit of advice Paul, do us all a favor and put the first bullet in your own head
At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
I suggest everyone who posted here read "The World Without Us." It discusses how if everyone just limited themselves to one child, we would be down to around one billion people by 2090. And that is WITHOUT killing 5.5 billion people but letting them die of natural causes. Then again you conservative whack-jobs probably think any time someone splooges in their pants or whatever that's killing someone...
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
He's got a point. We're overpopulated as it is. We've got two choices, both radical; look for other planets to colonise (big leap, probably not ready for it yet) or cut back on our population growths. If we sustain this level of pressure on the environment, ecosystems WILL collapse under us and Earth will find a way to rectify that in some way, which will undoubtably manifest in massive loss of animal and human life. E.g., we finally kill all the sharks, ecosystem in the sea collapses, there goes the majority of our oxygen, planet is starved of oxygen, mass extinction/reduction of species. (anyone who doubts this theory, please watch 'Sharkwater')
Nowhere does he suggest killing anyone; in fact, his use of the word 'intelligent' infers that he was thinking of birth control as the method in mind.
An example of an unintelligent way of killing off the population:
"And if we really want to address the population problem, then lets stop vaccinating the world and medicating the world.......And lets quit sending the world our $$$$ and food.
This is one way to do it.......Of course this takes us down the road to killing off people, but it is one way to lessen the "burden.""
Yes, targeting people born into poverty, or in countries not yet industrialized or with sufficient healthcare services - they don't have as high a survival rate as us, so it won't matter if they live or die! We should just cut off all ties to them!
Wrong. It's been proven that when a country AND ITS CITIZENS have their GDP and quality of living (referring to healthcare in this context) increased to a sufficient standard, the birth rate of that country decreases; the reason third world countries have such high birth rates is because they also have a infant mortality rate. When increased healthcare becomes more readily available, infant mortality rates drop, therefore, less kids. If we suddenly choke all the aid going into these countries, not only do we stunt their development but we are also responsible for the repercussions of not helping them. If a man has collapsed in the street, what do you do? Go and help him up or kick him in the shins?
One final point. You say Paul Watson is a hypocrite for flying in planes and using a boat that uses oil. He's up against massive, billion dollar companies. He's one man up against them; surely his usage of their own weapons against them is justified in his cause? It's a petty fault that can't detract from his overall agenda. Everyone is guilty of being a victim to modern technology and its efficiency.
I've got no political agenda, but even so, mocking someone for saying something as sensitive as this is factual tones is kinda lame. I hate all this right-left mudslinging, just detracts from the real facts of the matter :/
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
paul watson is an idiot has been brain washing and spreading propaganda for so long he actually belives his own bull. if population of people on this planet need rducing so be it hope watson is the first to get take a dirt nap what a self rightous ass.
At 1:36 AM,
jjsinhawaii said…
Paul Watson is an idiot. I cant believe he has a ship and a first mate that doesnt know how to use the equipment. He has no regard for the safety and well being of his crew, maybe he considers them part of the 5.5 billion?
At 9:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Then what does he mean by the word "radically" in the statement?
At 8:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
the guy is an idiot . the trouble with these types of people is that they are never ever wrong , in their own heads of course . reducing the population to < 1 billion sounds like a solution but where i live its not overpopulated . we have plenty of resources so why should i be limited with regard to children. the problem lies with uneducated breeders who bang out 5 kids for drug money or illegal aliens whos religon it is to take over the world through repopulation . paul watson and his band of merry monkeys should drown at sea at least that would be 40 off the tally
At 12:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sea Shepherd is a 501(c) registered organization in the US. That means it's a tax deductible charity. So along with having to bail out all the dumbass banks and others, the American taxpayer is also saddled (at least partially) with having to pay Watson to make these ridiculous statements.
At 8:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reducing the population can be done a number of non-violent ways #1 being birth control.
Trust the webmaster to think only of war and bioterror as the only means of population reduction.
If you don't reduce the population, nature will eventually take care of the problem for you with means you probably will not like.
At 7:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
"what does he mean by radical?"
He means "drastic", not just token.
The earth is drastically overpopulated. It cannot SUSTAIN that level of population. If we don't take it down voluntarily and non-violently, nature will take us down with starvation, plagues and war -- the same as with all other animals.
Nature does not care if we like it.
"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference."
~ Charles Darwin
At 7:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
"perverted moral compass can rationalize the wholesale elimination of 5/6ths of the human species."
You imagine the only way to reduce the population is to kill people. That is not necessary. People die naturally. All you have to do is stop making new people so quickly
At 7:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
"He has no regard for the safety and well being of his crew"
With one exception, no whaler or Sea Shepherd protester has ever been injured. In the incident the other day when the Japanese whalers rammed the "bat boat", one Sea Shepherd guy got a cracked rib.
It is true though that Paul (whom I know personally) is utterly fearless when it comes to protecting whales. He is like a mother grizzly with her young.
Most people know almost nothing about dolphins and whales. I worked with Dr. John Lilly on dolphin research. Like Paul, I consider cetacea even more worthy of life than humans.
Why I think that way I attempt to explain at
Paul's reasons are different.
At 6:30 PM,
Rick said…
*sigh* Folks....most of you have clearly seen that (non-captain) Paul Watson is an incompetent buffoon. Let me bottom-line it for you: The guy's getting filthy rich on donations while subjecting non-seafaring, well-meaning typically idealistic twenty-somethings to life-threatening situations. Some of these situations are utterly preventable, i.e. the Steve Irwin is sent out in a demonstrably unseaworthy condition...had it been properly inspected, it would have failed. Who goes out to sea when the lifeboat crane doesn't work? Who goes out to sea without knowing that one of the ships engine's about to fail? I suppose I might mention that they're going out in ice....ships are rated according to how much ice they can safely be in....the Steve Irwin has NO ice rating at all, and thus has no business being in ice at all. Paul Watson is lining his pockets with cash while sending wanna-be heroes out into harm's way. If you've even watched a few of Whale Wars episodes, it might be clear to you that the whole affair is a disaster waiting to happen. When the quota of whales is over a many whales do you suppose are actually being 'saved' from the whalers?
Not enough to mention....esp when you consider the risk of loss of human life ( I am of course not speaking to those who profess to believe that a whale's life is worth more than a human's....there's not much point in arguing such a (IMO) ridiculous position.) Speaking of which, the statement was made that whales are more important to the ecology that humans are.
Huh?...Wha...? Think about that for a moment. As much damage as we humans are doing to the environment, there are humans who are making legitimate contributions to conservation.
The whales are....just being whales. They're not correcting any problems in the ecology....nor does anyone say they are or think they should.
Here's an idea...stop feeding (non-captain) Paul Watson. Believe me...if he wasn't making money, he would not be doing what he's doing....which for the most part is misleading idealistic young people into doing all the work while he gets the money.
I'm done....those of you who will hear, have heard. Those of you that haven't heard....good luck with that ;) Commerce goes on in the grown-up world, no matter how much you may not like it. (non-captain) Paul Watson is not making even a little dent in the harvesting of matter what lies he may tell you to the contrary. Ask him...he'll tell you about 'truth'...he is on record as saying that the 'truth' is what you can get people to believe. Your energies are far better spent on nearly anything else.
At 7:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Paul Watson is right. He's not referring to the eradication of humans. He's talking about ways to limit human births to prevent us from exhausting earths resources.
We're the only species on earth that caters to our weak. We're a parasite on this earth.
You have to be blind or ignorant to think otherwise.
At 7:35 PM,
Dr. John Branshaw said…
Log every comment post here and record it into the Record, as well as the name of the author of the original erroneous main blog article.
Every person caught on here going against Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd just went AGAINST CONSERVATIVES.
Every person caught on here either siding with the Japanese Whaling Fleet, promoting it, or Not taking a position against it has just sided with LIBERALS.
The Whalers in Japan are supported and backed by the COMMUNIST PARTY and the LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTY in Japan.
Paul Watson is a CONSERVATIVE and was even awarded honors by REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH (41). The Republican President of the United States of America awarded Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd with a prestigious Points of Light Award for Watson's service to the United States of America.
In addition, the US STATE DEPARTMENT is forcibly against the Japanese Whaling Fleet, whereas Paul Watson, far from being 'sought' by the F-B-I as in some false Japanese Whaler reports, actually works WITH the F-B-I and was invited at the FBI's request to teach classes at the FBI Training Academy in Quantico Virginia.
Therefore, observe every name in the comments on this blog: those individuals found on here and seen bad-mouthing SeaShepherd or Paul Watson have just gone against the State Department of the United States of America. They have also gone AGAINST conservative president of the United States George Bush, and against the United States of America.
Anyone cheering the whalers has supported a foreign faction, one that comes even from a nation-state (Japan) that attacked and bombed American soil (Pearl Harbor) with suicide bombers (Kamikaze). Any person, caught siding with this foreign faction, including this blogs author is not a patriot, but instead is caught cheering harm against American lives.
Any person cheering for the whalers to harm Sea Shepherd vessels has just applauded harm including the possible attempted murder of American Citizens, including honored Iraq War Veterans and U.S. Military service personnel aboard SeaShepherd ships.
Sea Shepherd vessels include American citizens, U.S. Law enforcement personnel, honored military service personnel including members of the United States Navy, and honored U.S. Veterans.
Therefore any name caught on here smearing Sea Shepherd and extolling the Japanese Whaling Fleet has just smeared American citizens, American military personnel, and bad-mouthed United States naval personnel, and U.S. Police officers, and cheered a foreign pack of extremist killers to harm american lives.
At 7:36 PM,
Dr. John Branshaw said…
Log every comment post here and record it into the Record, as well as the name of the author of the original erroneous main blog article.
Every person caught on here going against Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd just went AGAINST CONSERVATIVES.
Every person caught on here either siding with the Japanese Whaling Fleet, promoting it, or Not taking a position against it has just sided with LIBERALS.
The Whalers in Japan are supported and backed by the COMMUNIST PARTY and the LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTY in Japan.
Paul Watson is a CONSERVATIVE and was even awarded honors by REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH (41). The Republican President of the United States of America awarded Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd with a prestigious Points of Light Award for Watson's service to the United States of America.
In addition, the US STATE DEPARTMENT is forcibly against the Japanese Whaling Fleet, whereas Paul Watson, far from being 'sought' by the F-B-I as in some false Japanese Whaler reports, actually works WITH the F-B-I and was invited at the FBI's request to teach classes at the FBI Training Academy in Quantico Virginia.
Therefore, observe every name in the comments on this blog: those individuals found on here and seen bad-mouthing SeaShepherd or Paul Watson have just gone against the State Department of the United States of America. They have also gone AGAINST conservative president of the United States George Bush, and against the United States of America.
Anyone cheering the whalers has supported a foreign faction, one that comes even from a nation-state (Japan) that attacked and bombed American soil (Pearl Harbor) with suicide bombers (Kamikaze). Any person, caught siding with this foreign faction, including this blogs author is not a patriot, but instead is caught cheering harm against American lives.
At 7:39 PM,
Dr. John Branshaw said…
Any person cheering for the whalers to harm Sea Shepherd vessels has just applauded harm including the possible attempted murder of American Citizens, including honored Iraq War Veterans and U.S. Military service personnel aboard SeaShepherd ships.
Sea Shepherd vessels include American citizens, U.S. Law enforcement personnel, honored military service personnel including members of the United States Navy, and honored U.S. Veterans.
Therefore any name caught on here smearing Sea Shepherd and extolling the Japanese Whaling Fleet has just smeared American citizens, American military personnel, and bad-mouthed United States naval personnel, and U.S. Police officers, and cheered a foreign pack of extremist killers to harm american lives.
The person who is FOR Sea Shepherd is a patriot, and is on the side of the United States of America, and in alignment with the U.S. State Department and the American people.
The person who has been seen on here bad-mouthing SSCS and applauding the Japanese Fishing Fleet, who have also victimized U.S. Fishermen and their families by invading U.S. territorial waters around Alaska, and the Pacific Northwest, and have committed more than 13 such violations of U.S. Sovereign territorial waters off the U.S. Coast, are traitors to America.
Individuals encouraging, cheering, applauding, hindering action against, or merely not taking as much action as they could be against the Japanese Whalers have just cheered a tiny faction of extremists aboard the Japanese Whaling ships whose members have been linked to Japanese organized crime, who are backed by members of the Communist Party and the LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTY in Japan, backed whalers who belong to the faction of nationalists in Japan who believe in Japanese supremacy and that Japan was 'right' by attacking America at Pearl Harbour in the second world war. The Japanes Whalers are pro-Japanese nationalists who are glad they attacked the United States and took the lives of Americans. This is a small faction that is still extant in Japan.
Those FOR Sea Shepherd are FOR the United States.
At 7:42 PM,
Dr. John Branshaw said…
It has been found unfit for human consumption. It damages the human brain if eaten. Japanese Whalers pushing the ingestion of whale meat are poisoning hundreds and thousands of human lives, including families. Japan's whalers unable to sell the unfit meat then attempted to push whale meat into the national Children's School Lunch program for consumption by children. Remember, whale meat has been found to contain toxic levels of Methyl Mercury, Toxaphene, and even DIOXIN compounds that damage a child's brain.
Japanese whalers also were caught by U.S. Federal Agents smuggling illegal whale meat INTO the United States and pushing it for ingestion by American citizens, including American families and children, poisoning U.S citizens as well.
Any person supporting Sea Shepherd is actually saving hundreds of American lives and thousands of human lives, and protecting the good (non-extremist non-whaler non-organized crime) people of Japan, and protecting American interests.
Any person caught supporting the Whalers is AGAINST the United States of America. The person caught supporting the whalers has just supported the human poisoning of hundreds and thousands of human lives, including American citizens and even children.
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
this blog is stupid. I get that you want to prove a point but obviously paul watson isn't going to kill billions of people. he's just stating a true fact that there are too many humans in the world. If this extermination of humans were to happen I would definetly be one that would be killed and I don't care. we need to put ourselves in another creatures shoes. The whale poplutation has decreased by 90%...and yet we cannot seem to fathom our popultaion to be decreced by that same amount?
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Easy for Watson to say. And even easier for him to do. Who the hell would procreate with that fat dumb shit anyway?
At 3:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I cometely agree with the quote.
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At 2:40 PM,
Rick said…
As I've said before, non-captain
Paul Watson ( He's had 30+ years to procure a Captain's certification...he's yet to do so)
is essentially an opportunistic predator who is working the loopholes to fatten his wallet.
There's nothing more to him, folks...if he wasn't making money, he simply would not be doing what he does. The argument of overpopulation is laughable....I'm not going to do your homework for some research...there's plenty of unoccupied land in the USA. Let us remember also that Russia alone occupies some 1/3 of the land mass of this planet...much of it unpopulated.
Sure, a little development may be desirable....such as has been successfuly done in Nevada and other 'desert' regions of the USA.
The point here is that there's still plenty of unused usable space on our planet....overpopulation is a myth.
Again, according to Paul Watson, 'the truth is whatever I can get people to believe'
The man's gotten rich on idealistic
uninformed folks whose resources and attention would be better spent on very nearly anything else.
If you want the best for the planet, for the animals...well and good...that's admirable and appropriate. Do some research, find some actual facts, and then 'follow' someone who is actually making a difference in those areas. Seriously, get some real facts and you will see that
following a self-serving terrorist like Paul Watson is not the way to best serve this planet and its animals.
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