Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Howard Dean (DNC Chairman, 2 of Diamonds)

"Well, certainly the president can claim executive privilege. But in this case, I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can't play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it's called."

**I could be wrong, but I think he's thinking of the wrong president????

Keep in mind, I predicted Dean would be fired by the end of 2006.......There's no way Hillary's going into the 2008 Election Cycle with this complete moron in charge of the party.**


  • At 12:30 PM, Blogger C R Mountjoy - GDF said…

    I will link your site to mine...absolutely fantastic. I will send this link to everyone I can and refer people to your site. You blog is like this one I saw people you meet on the internet - this guy takes pictures he finds off the net and gouges them - just like what you're doing with the lefties! Outstanding!

  • At 4:58 PM, Blogger Poison Pero said…

    Thx for the kind words.......I hope you'll come by often. --> I'll stop by yours as well.

    That said, this isn't my main blog....You need to check out The Right is Right.


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