Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Kathy Griffin (Hollywood Idiot)

"The President is a moron!... He's an idiot. Cheney is evil. I'm sick of, impeach them, get them out! I hate them! I hate them! Get them out!... Get Bush out! Impeach. Out! Out! Out!"

**"He's a, I'm, get, I, I, Get, Get, Out, Out, Out!!!!"

Uhhhhhhh...........Who opened up the 'Hollywood Funny Farm'? --> This one's completely lost her mind.

I think those were here last words on the way out of the white-coat.**


  • At 11:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Well, I'm a liberal and I would LOVE to see bushco impeached, kicked out, whatever. However I can't STAND Kathy Griffin, and I don't think ranting about it like a baby helps her cause. It merely makes her sound like a nut.

  • At 11:54 AM, Blogger Poison Pero said…

    I always appreciate honesty.

    Everyone has the right to an opinion.....Heaven knows I have plenty.

    But being an insaniac gets ya nowhere.......Except back in the white-jacket.


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