Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Howard Dean (DNC Chairman, 2 of Diamonds)

"What the propagandists on the Right have done is make people afraid to say they are Democrats. We have to be out there. We have to be vocal. We have to be pushing our version of the facts because their version of the facts is very unfactual. ... We need a message. It has to be clear. The framing of the debate determines who wins the debate. ... The face of the Democratic [sic] Party is such that it looks like all of America will look in 2050."

**What in the world is Dean babbling on about? --> Almost sounds like Jesse Jackson-speak.

But there's no doubt that Dean is definitely the "gift that keeps on giving"......To the Conservative cause.

Am I the only one who thinks its funny the 'Mad Doctor' didn't rate any higher than a 2 of Diamonds? LOL!!**


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