Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Monday, August 20, 2018

PRAGER UNIVERSITY: Control the Words, Control the Culture

"We teach what isn’t taught." - Dennis Prager

This semester of Prager University is presented by:  Michael Knowles

"In the name of 'diversity' the Left enforces intellectual conformity.  It censors opposing views in the name of 'tolerance.'  And it labels all non-Left views 'hate speech'...All this manipulation of language has paid off for the Left, because whoever controls the words, controls the culture." – M.K.

"'[S]ymantics' means 'the meaning of words.'  Words exist so that we might discriminate one thing from another.  Without words we have chaos.  Words shape how we think.  They color how we view the world.  No one understands this better than the Left.  They are the masters of words...The 'culture war' is largely a 'war of words.' Right now the Left is winning.  you can see the consequences everywhere." – M.K.



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