Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

What is Next????

Those who pay attention should be familiar with Prager University, and the videos I frequently re-post from its website.

These videos cover some of the most important topics in American life, and are designed to be educational...In no way can any of them be considered risque, over the top, racist, sexist, hurtful, etc.

But not in Liberal-controlled-America - the land of 'trigger warnings' and 'microaggressions'...Please read the statement below, and ask yourself a simple question:  If the Liberal establishment (which includes all of our education and media outlets) thinks Prager University is too much for the American people to handle WHAT IS NEXT???


LOS ANGELES, Oct. 11, 2016 - Prager University (PragerU), a conservative online video production site, launched a petition today to draw attention to the fact that YouTube is censoring 21 of its videos.

YouTube is censoring these videos by placing them under "restricted mode." Many families and schools enable restricted mode in order to keep inappropriate language, and explicit adult and sexual content away from children--not to prevent them from watching animated, age-appropriate, educational videos on topics ranging from economics and history to happiness and philosophy.

In response to an official complaint PragerU filed, Google specialists defended their restriction of our videos, and said, "We don't censor anyone", although they do "take into consideration what the intent of the video is" and "what the focus of the video is."

There is no excuse for Google and YouTube censoring and restricting any PragerU videos, which are produced with the sole intent of educating people of all ages about America's founding values.

To read PragerU's petition, please click here: http://l.prageru.com/2d5k57G

Here is a list of the 21 videos currently being censored by PragerU:
Are The Police Racist?
Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Why Did America Fight the Korean War?
Who's More Pro-Choice: Europe or America?
What ISIS Wants
Why Are There Still Palestinian Refugees?
Are 1 in 5 Women Raped at College?
Islamic Terror: What Muslim Americans Can Do
Did Bush Lie About Iraq?
Who NOT to Vote For
Men and the Power of the Visual
Is America Racist?
Israel: The World's Most Moral Army
Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology
The Most Important Question About Abortion
Why Do People Become Islamic Extremists?
Don't Judge Blacks Differently
What is the University Diversity Scam?
He Wants You
Israel's Legal Founding
Pakistan: Can Sharia and Freedom Coexist?

About PragerU
Prager University is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, founded in 2011 by best-selling author, columnist and popular radio talk show host Dennis Prager. PragerU spreads conservative ideas and values through the power of social media via five-minute videos that present clear, concise, logical discussions of the issues facing Americans today. Backed by solid research and presented by credible, well-known conservative figures, PragerU videos are a powerful defense against the constant indoctrination of leftwing values that we see on campuses around the country. PragerU videos have received a total of 150 million unique views in 2016 alone. (https://www.prageru.com/)



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