Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Great Man

Those who know me, or follow my blogs regularly, know I'm a product of great women...From my mother and sister, to my wife and daughters, to the wonderful ladies who've worked with and for me in the past 20+ years.  To a much lesser extent, however, there are a handful of men I credit with helping form me:  My father (Jim Caruthers), Paul Pierri, Ron Steinberg, Sergeant William Oxford, Dennis Prager, and Rich Karlin.

This last man is my father-in-law, and it pains me to say I haven't spent nearly enough time with him.  My wife and I moved to Arizona decades ago and we have often spoke of moving back to Denver - the one reason we kept longing for this return was Rich...Ultimately we've chosen to raise our family in Arizona, and I'm quite certain we made the correct decision.  I think Rich would agree with my assessment.  As much as he loves his daughter and grandchildren, I know he is unselfish enough to know Melissa and I have made the right decision.

That's the kind of guy Rich is...Actually, Rich is the most kind, gentle, and decent human being I've ever met - by a lot!

Unfortunately, he has fallen on poor health, and is requiring heart surgery.  Equally unfortunate, this surgery and his after-care are causing financial strains which were never expected.

I have never used my blogs to solicit anything from anyone, and I am not asking my readers for any money...What I am asking for is if anyone knows any 'Angel Donors'- people who have money, and are looking for good causes to support.  I know these people are out there, and I know Rich Karlin is someone deserving of support.

If anyone knows any 'Angel Donors' please forward this GoFundMe link to them:  https://www.gofundme.com/tgnktmck

If you would like to link the page on your Facebook or Twitter accounts it might help as well.

Like I said, I've never done anything like this in my life...THIS MAN IS WORTH IT!


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