'Out of Sight, Out of Mind'
I could be wrong, but it sure seems to me like many
Americans have forgotten about 9/11.
I have no doubt when they think of it, they remember how terrible it was, but it is almost an 'out of sight, out of mind' event now.
In fact, I bet if you ask your friends and coworkers what
is important about this day most will be stumped at first. Until you
remind them it's 9/11.
Unfortunately, much of this is by design - from our national leadership, and its lapdogs in the media, which wants the people to 'move on,' and 'not obsess' over the events...Some even try to claim we have nothing to worry about - because Bin Laden is dead.
If only it were that simple.
Killing Bin Laden did not defeat our Jihadi enemies. If anything, since Bin Laden's death the world has become even more unstable - with the rise of the Islamic State, the collapse of Libya and the spread of Al Qaeda...Not that we are supposed to acknowledge it, because our Commander-in-Chief acts like there is no such threat to our nation.
Oh, and lets not forget the greatest terror sponsoring
state in the world just made a deal with Obama: Iran...I'm sure we have
nothing to worry about this matter.
I for one, will not forget the importance of 9/11/01. Nor will I apologize for not forgetting...I can guarantee those who wish to do us harm haven't forgotten the importance of this day, and they would like nothing more than to replicate it, or cause even more pain, suffering and damage.
"I am a Sept.
11 American. I know the world has changed and that Americans must defend
America. Everything else we do, everything else we believe, pales in comparison
to that duty." - Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Don't forget 9/11 is a 'half staff' day.
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