Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Barack Obama

"I am in my second term. It has been an extraordinary privilege for me to serve as the president of the U.S.  I can not imagine a greater honor or a more interesting job. I love my work.  But under our constitution, I can not run again.  I actually think I'm a pretty good president -- I think if I ran I could win. But I can't.  So there is a lot that I'd like to do to keep America moving, but the law is the law."

I almost vomited when I saw this.  The thought of Obama getting another crack at the presidential apple is a truly horrific thought...That said, I do believe he could win again - just as Reagan and Clinton probably could have.

What's really crazy is although I believe Obama could win again, I also believe if he could run again Democrats would continue to take huge losses in every other aspect of government than in the presidency:  Both houses of Congress, Governors and state legislatures, etc...Because the American people are completely out of their minds.  They have no idea what they want, though they know what we currently have is a complete train wreck.  This is the cause of the 'Trump Effect,' for those who haven't figured it out.

I also find it humorous, in a sick way, to hear Obama talk about having to follow "the law,' because he's the most lawless president in American history...Unfortunately, we're going to have to deal with even more of this lawlessness and his desire to "run again" in the last 18 months of his term - an 18 month period where no amount of lawlessness is beyond possible.

Luckily, these acts of lawlessness will come with a price for the Democrat Party; particularly for 'The Queen.'

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