Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013 Liberal Jackass Quotes of the Year: #12

Allison Benedikt (A Bad Person)

"You are a bad person if you send your children to private school.  Not bad like murderer bad - but bad like ruining-one-of-our-nation's-most-essential-institutions-in-order-to-get-what's-best-for-your-kid bad.  So pretty bad."

You are bad for doing 'what's best for your kid?'  You are bad for taking your kid out of crappy public schools and putting them wherever you feel they have a chance to get a real education?  You are bad?

You have got to be kidding me!?!?!

"Aren’t the 'bad people' - to use Allison Benedikt’s language - here the ones who would trap lower-income and poor kids in their local education monopoly?" - James Pethokoukis

I am thrilled to live in Arizona and have the option of never putting my youngest daughter in the public-union schools.  I specifically said public-union schools, because she has always gone to public-charter schools...Schools where they hold kids to standards and teach them mostly legitimate schooling - instead of having low standards, some legitimate schooling and a lot of propaganda.

"Barricading parents into the poor schools their government offers them is like barricading people into communist East Germany." - Alex Tabarrok



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