Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (House Dominatrix)

"My biggest fight has been between those who wanted to do something incremental and those who wanted to do something comprehensive [with health care 'reform']...We won that fight, and once we kick through this door, there'll be more legislation to follow."

**The 2000 pages in the Senate bill, along with who knows what they'll throw in their reconciliation package, aren't enough for Queen Nancy? No, no, no. She needs more; much, much more...More as in SINGLE PAYER, GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED HEALTH CARE!

"I never stop whipping. There's no beginning, there's no middle, and there's no end. My life is a constant whip operation." - Mistress Nancy

Maybe she's talking about "whipping" up votes, and maybe she's not. Maybe she's a freaky-deak like her San Fran Sicko constituents...And maybe she's simply talking about the whipping she's giving the American people in general.**



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