Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sonny Scroggins (Bias Busters of Kansas)

"The reason why I want to have this holiday is because it marks the day America grew up."

- The 'holiday' he wants is a national holiday commemorating the election of Barack Obama as president.

**Doesn't Obama already had a holiday in his honor? Christmas.

That said, I think an unnamed poster on the Topeka Capital Journal website put it best: "Are you freaking kidding me? A national holiday for a guy who hasn't even shown if he can lead? He may be the president elect, but he hasn't even proven that he has what it takes to lead this country."**


  • At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm starting a drive to declare January 20th as a National Day of Mourning. It will mark the day America died.

  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Poison Pero said…

    You racist, Henry :)


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