Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nancy Lyall (Mexicans Without Borders)

“To attribute the crime rate to the [immigrant] resolution is not true."

- Commenting on a Prince William County [Virginia (correction made)] report about crime being down due to an aggressive crackdown against illegal immigrants.

**This county has seen a 19% reduction in crime since it started executing and prosecuting its immigration laws.........Imagine that!!

Imagine what the rate would be in major American cities if they did likewise? Imagine what it would be like in your city if your law enforcement and prosecutors actually followed immigration laws.....Thankfully, I live in Maricopa County, where "America's Toughest Sheriff" (Joe Arpaio) and the county attorney (Andrew Thomas) actually do their jobs.**


  • At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's hard for the race-baiters to deal with the facts. You can't yell "Racist" at a bunch of numbers.

    Man, you live in Sheriff Joe country? Now I'm jealous!

  • At 8:17 AM, Blogger Poison Pero said…

    Thanks to Mark at Casting Pearls Before Swine (http://leftfieldperspectives.blogspot.com/) for a correction on this post........It is Prince William County, Virginia. Not Washington.

    And yes, Henry, I'm from Phoenix......We love the sheriff, here. 80+% approval rating on a constant basis. By far the most popular politician in Arizona.


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