Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bruce Friedrich (PETA VP)

“If the state legislature moves forward with this one, then they should change Kentucky’s state bird from the cardinal to the debeaked, crippled, scalded, diseased, dead chicken.”

- “this one” = A measure the Kentucky legislature is looking to pass saluting Kentucky Fried Chicken as the state’s official picnic food.

**1. Why does any state have an “official picnic food?”
2. Screw PETA.
3. Chicken isn’t my favorite (I prefer other animals PETA cries about me eating), but I think I might have a “debeaked” bird for dinner in the near future. And I couldn’t care less if it’s “crippled” or “scalded,” though I hope it isn’t “diseased,” and by all means it better be “dead.”**


  • At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bon Apetite.....wait...that's French!!


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