Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Majority Leader - CA, Loon)

I'm the "most powerful woman in America."

**Egads!!! What have we done? What have we brought on ourselves by allowing the Democrats, with their current crazy leadership, to take over Congress?.........Oh well, at least we got our pound of flesh from the Republicans for not being Conservative enough (tongue firmly implanted in cheek).

And make no mistake, Nancy will lead as a San Fransicko Liberal........Which will be much, much worse than the pseudo-Cons we had before.

The one thing I do find enjoyment about in Nancy's statement is her direct assault on Hillary Clinton, claiming the title of the "most powerful woman in America".......If nothing else, this battle royale will be very interesting as we get closer to 2008.**



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