Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Osama Yo-Mama Pelosi

"I propose a long-term truce with the U.S. military. God has prevented us from lying and betraying. You can give us this truce so we can build Iraq and Afghanistan that you have destroyed....This will prevent the loss of millions of dollars, billions of dollars that go to corrupt businessmen in the United States."

**Damn, Osama Yo-Mama Pelosi sounds exactly like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi!!!

This quote is from Osama Bin Laden's latest tape, but it sure as hell could pass for a Nancy Pelosi speech........Which leads to a couple questions:

Why does Bin Laden sound like San Fran Nan?
Why does San Fran Nan sound like Bin Laden?

This theme is great.........It's just amazing how similar they sound.**


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