Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Sen. John Murtha "F'er" (D - Pennsylvania)

"Our military is suffering, the future of our country is at risk. We cannot continue on the present course. It is evident that continued military action in Iraq is not in the best interests of the United States of America, the Iraqi people or the Persian Gulf region."

**Bring all the troops home so they can protect Camp Pendleton, Luke AFB, Coronado Naval Station, Fort Dix, etc.........This is the real job of the military, in Liberalville.

And then Democrats will want to cut the force-structure, pay, technology, hardware (tanks, planes, ships, bullets, etc.) once they are here.

Lying sons of bitches.....They don't care about they troops. They care about Bush leading the troops.**


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