Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Associated Press

"Arctic Ice Melts Faster as It Gets Warmer"

**Uhhh, look at that headline again........I'm pretty sure all "ice melts faster as it gets warmer" --> Not just "Arctic Ice".

The EnvironMENTALists have the ultimate shell-game going here.

When it's warm, it is obviously caused by GLOBAL WARMING.

When it's cool, it is caused by GLOBAL WARMING, because the warming thaws the Polar Caps --> Forcing cool air towards the middle of the globe.

It's brilliantly diabolical, and foolproof regardless of the outcome.........The Hegelian Dialectic put to its perfect, maniacal use.**


  • At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's deep.


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