Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Frederick Vreeland (Former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco)

"[U.S. Ambassador to the UN nominee John Bolton] has all the qualities needed to harm the image and objectives in the UN and its affiliated international organizations."

**I must ask 2 questions:

1. How can Bolton “harm the image” of the Circle Jerk Group???

2. What are the "objectives" of the UN??? --> Other than raping the U.S. of its hard-earned money of course.**


  • At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Vreeland is right! Bolton has to shave those gigantic walrus mustaches before they let him out of the house, even!

  • At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    P.S. It's me again. I just wanted to add, after taking another look at a recent photo of Bolton, that not only must he shave his walrus mustaches before I can even look at him without crying, but he should shave his whole head while he's at it. Man, dude, you look awful!


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