Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Kevin Bacon (Hollywood Idiot)

"[It's misleading if movies] 100 percent demonize [pedophiles]. These guys don't have horns, they're not monsters. If they were monsters we could send a superhero out to kill them, or a guy with a big sword -- and that would make life a lot easier."

**Is this jackass really trying to say that pedophiles shouldn't be "demonize(d)" "100 percent" of the time?........and that they aren't "monsters"??

Pedophilia should be a capital crime.......The loss of innocence is a terribly haunting thing for a child, and should be paid for with the most severe penalty possible --> Ol' Sparky!!

I know most of you are terrified of dealing with the truth, but you really should check out this site: http://www.nambla1.de/

This Hollywood Idiot is spewing the "Big Lie" for many pedo's, and should be ridden out of acting through the lack of acceptance by the viewing public......But he knows (as do all the rest of them) that most people won't do it.


  • At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ahh..yet another Hollyweird wacko to add to my list of people I will not ever see in any movie again. I wonder if one of his children were victimized by a pedophile if he would feel the same way?

  • At 11:35 PM, Anonymous KA said…

    Maybe he is a pedophile''''''But one thing is for sure; he is a real
    ass hole! We will not see any movie
    that he is in.

  • At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe obama's plan to tax the idots
    with alot of money and lack of brains isnt such a bad idea after
    all.I guess if you were raised on
    welfare you are going to have to defend your liberal back ground and


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