Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, October 07, 2018

PRAGER UNIVERSITY: American Media, Soviet Tactics

"We teach what isn’t taught." - Dennis Prager

This semester of Prager University is presented by:  James O'Keefe

"When journalists shape news to fit their vision of a better society, they're not doing their job...On behalf of their own narrow agenda, they (the mainstream media) lie, distort and exaggerate, and they expect us to call it Pravda ('truth' in Russian).  But with each passing day, fewer and fewer Americans  are willing to do so." – J.O.

"Almost no one in the Soviet Union was fooled (by the news).  They knew they were being lied to.  Ironically, unlike most citizens in the Soviet Union, citizens in 21st Century America are fooled by their news media...To make informed decisions a free society needs a press it can trust; not one that is hopelessly biased." – J.O.



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