Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Arizona State University

"This course uses literature and rhetoric to look at how stories shape people's understanding and experiences of race...A university is an academic environment where we discuss and debate a wide variety of viewpoints."

- Statement about a class being offered about 'the problem of Whiteness.'

There was more to this statement, but the gist of it is in the two sentences above.  What's incredible is how misleading both are.

"This course uses literature and rhetoric to look at how stories shape people's understanding and experiences of race."

What a joke!  This course is propaganda bashing white people for the problems of the world.

"A university is an academic environment where we discuss and debate a wide variety of viewpoints."

What a joke!  Most American universities not only don't allow students to "discuss and debate a wide variety of viewpoints," but they mock and destroy anyone who disagrees with modern Liberal "viewpoints."

But these reasons aren't why I picked this statement.  I picked this statement because many of my readers are white ASU supporters.

SUCKERS!!!  You are sending your children to and supporting a university which thinks YOU are part of the problem with the world - because you are a 'privileged' honky!

Congratulations, SUCKERS!!



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