Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mel Young (Homeless World Cup President)

"The Paris 2011 Homeless World Cup is an opportunity for homeless people to move from being invisible to stand proud on a global stage, and be the true ambassadors for their country that they are."

I feel as bad as the next guy about homelessness, and am very aware it could happen to anyone (especially in the Age of Obama), but do they really need a special futball tourney?  And is anyone really stupid enough to think they are "proud" of anything or "ambassadors" for anyone?

"Each player leaves the Homeless World Cup with a medal.  They also receive a once in a life time opportunity to change their lives.  They acquire self-esteem, pride, passion and the tools and strength to better one's own life." - Homeless World Cup website

Utopian idiocy at its finest...But at least these 'winners' get a "medal."


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