Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Robert Gibbs (Obama's Spokesmouth)

"In the case of Mr. Ghailani, there was a guilty verdict, a minimum sentence of 20 years that incapacitated somebody that has committed a terrorist act and because of that incapacitation is not going to threaten American lives."

- Comment regarding Ahmed Ghailani receiving 20-years in prison after being found guilty on one count of conspiracy.

I must have missed the part where Bobby G. spoke about the administration's disgust over a terrorist being acquitted of 284 counts, including all 224 murder charges.  Nope...Who am I to I assume Obama would be disgusted with this killer being found not guilty on these charges?  I must have been nuts to think the administration would be upset this killer isn't going to be executed, as they have been promising.  I guess I also shouldn't be shocked Gibbs calls this murderous POS "Mr. Ghailani" instead of 'terrorist scum.'

I know Republicans are upset about this case:

"I am disgusted at the total miscarriage of justice today in Manhattan’s federal civilian court...This tragic verdict demonstrates the absolute insanity of the Obama administration’s decision to try al-Qaeda terrorists in civilian courts." - Rep. Pete King (R - NY)

Maybe Democrats are happy with it:

"[The] verdict acquitting international terrorist Ahmed Gailani of 284 of the counts against him affirms what I and others have said from the beginning: those charged with crimes of war and those who have been determined to be dangerous law-of-war detainees do not belong in our courts, our prisons or our country." - Sen. Jim Webb (D - Virginia)

There has to be someone has to think this situation is great, doesn't there?  I know who; our enemies (al Qaeda, Iran, North Korea, etc.) and our pseudo-friends-enemies (Russia, China, etc.)...And they must think the United States is being led by complete jokers.  Unfortunately, they are correct.


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