Poison Pero is RIGHT!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sen. Robert "KKK" Byrd (D - West Virginia)

"I'm willing to have some votes, up or down. Let's get around this Damocles sword that hangs over the Senate of the United States, and act as reasonable men and women, and vote some of them up or down. Whatever the leaders decide is fine. But let's don't talk about this nuclear option. Let's don't bring that down at this time."

**1. Any of you who have difficulty sleeping must watch C-Span late at night.....There are few things more humorous than watching this "Grand Wizard" rant and rave alone on the Senate floor. --> Even his own party abandons ship when he gets going.

2. Lets not forget the last time the "filibuster rule" was changed was under Democrat leadership...........Led by Majority Leader "KKK" himself!!


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